
As pandemic restrictions began to recede, my feet got itchier, compelling me to embrace a journey I had been postponing for quite some time. While the negative PCR test to enter Bohol felt like a subtle reminder of the times we live in, every bit of the prep was worth it. You see, this was a part of my Project 82. And Bohol, with its lush landscapes and cerulean waters, was my newest muse.

Interestingly, this wasn’t my first rendezvous with Bohol. A younger, less travel-obsessed version of me visited the place with family years ago. It was a different Bohol then – Panglao International Airport wasn’t even on the map. Now, as a seasoned traveler, my heart yearned to revisit and especially tread on the pristine beaches of Panglao.

Our Staycation: Henann & South Palms

Henann Alona was our home for several nights. The best part? We almost had the entire place to ourselves, thanks to the pandemic still keeping most tourists at bay. Most of the guests we bumped into were lovely Bohol locals. This created a rather unique and intimate vibe throughout the resort. Their buffet? Absolute perfection. I can’t stress enough how the grilled tuna on our first night was perhaps the best I’ve ever tasted. Each bite was a celebration of the flavors that the sea had to offer.

The proximity of Henann to key establishments made our stay even more comfortable. From Jollibee for those quick snack fixes, 7-Eleven for midnight cravings, to local karinderias and coffee shops, we had it all within our reach.

After our fulfilling stay at Henann, South Palms awaited us with its serene beach couches – the ideal spot for introspection and beach gazing. Our food journey continued with memorable dinners at ‘The Mist’ and a romantic beach setting at Alona Beach.

A Thrilling Day on Bohol Main Island

While Bohol’s natural beauty is undeniably captivating, our ATV ride around the Chocolate Hills was the adventure I hadn’t known I needed. Every moment on that ATV was exhilarating. Even though I’ve had my share of ATV rides at Liwliwa Beach at Zambales and by the Mayon Volcano in Albay, this was a completely different ballgame. Surrounded by the iconic Chocolate Hills, every turn and twist on the trails felt like an adventure straight out of a movie. Even the unexpected rain and mud couldn’t dampen our spirits. Instead, it made our adventure even more memorable. The hours flew by, and before we knew it, our ride was over, leaving us yearning for more.

Island Adventures and a Seafood Feast

Our island-hopping stint around Panglao Island was pure magic. Snorkeling amidst vivid corals, we were greeted by majestic pawikans and a medley of fishes. But, the true pièce de résistance was the seafood spread at Virgin Island. Sea urchin, mantis shrimp, abalone, and sea cucumber – each bite was a melody of flavors. However, a comical incident did occur when I tried touching a live mantis shrimp. The gasps and frantic warnings of the locals still echo in my ears. Looking back, our seafood escapade wasn’t cheap, but every penny spent felt justified. Perhaps, our insatiable seafood appetite did play a part!

Wrapping up our Bohol escapade, I realized how some places just have a way of calling you back. With its blend of adventure, relaxation, and culinary delights, Bohol did just that. As we prepared to head back home, we knew one thing for certain – this wouldn’t be our last visit. After all, with beaches and adventures like these, who could resist another round?

See you next time, Bohol!

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